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God paid a very high price to make you his. So honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:20 ERV

Hire purchase is the purchase of an item on the instalment plan, while high purchase is the purchase of an item at a very costly price. Our text reveals a divine high purchase.

Beloved, though hire purchase is quite different from high purchase, every hire purchase is always a high purchase, because it’s always bought at a very costly price. Very often than not, the value attached to a thing, determines cost, as well as the price a person will be willing to offer for its purchase. God values you far above everything else, therefore He paid the highest price ever for your purchase from the slave market of sin. You’re His high purchase. The shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb and God’s only Son, and His killing, was the very high price God paid for choosing and purchasing you, to make you His own. This therefore demands you’ll be diligent in honoring Him with all your heart, in your body through your obedience and choice to live for Him, since He died for you. Having become God’s high purchase, implies you’re no longer allowed to do anything you like, because not all things are good in light of the very high price God paid. You’ll therefore not let anything control you like a slave, but will only be the slave of Him that paid the high price for your redemption [1 Corinthians 6:12]. Purchase transfers ownership, ownership unites and confers power of control to the purchaser. Your power of control is in God’s hand and must therefore be obeyed at all times and in everything to remain His.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for my high purchase from the slave market of sin. As I’ve resolved to daily live to please to You in thoughts, words and actions, may every dividend of my redemption be made manifest in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lord, you are my lamp. You, Lord, turn the darkness around me into light. 2 Samuel 22:29 ERV

A light is something that makes vision possible, drives darkness away, and enlightens or informs. Our text reveals life’s life and its source.

Beloved, light has only one mission and purpose, to dispel or defeat darkness, and to reveal beauty. Invariably, wherever there’s light, darkness must be dissipated, dispelled and defeated, while beauty must be revealed. The dispelling of darkness brings its dissipation as well as the revelation of hidden beauties and treasures, which only light can do. The degree of light dispensed or radiated, equals the degree of illumination and beauty revealed, but the degree of light dispensed is directly proportional to the degree received or is present in the dispenser. The moon which dispenses the most beautiful light on earth, doesn’t have any light of its own, but only reflects the light of the sun it receives and as such allows itself to be a light for others. Your connection with Jesus the Light of the world, gave you His light, transformed you into the light of the world and leaves you with an inescapable responsibility of being a light for other people. You can’t help but shine, but the light in you, can only be seen through the good things you do which brings praise to your Father in heaven. Today is a another opportunity to shine forth.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Light of the world, today and always, I choose to receive your light, as well as allow Your light to shine through me, dispelling every darkness and revealing every beauty around me. I resolve never to hide the light in me, or allow it to be distorted, no matter the cost, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

While Joseph was in Egypt, Herod died. An angel from the Lord came to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Take the child with his mother and go to Israel. Those who were trying to kill the child are now dead.” He went to a town called Nazareth and lived there. This gave full meaning to what God said through the prophets. God said the Messiah would be called a Nazarene. Matthew 2:19‭-‬20‭, ‬23 ERV

Covenant is a formal solemn, and seriously binding agreement or promise, between two or more people. Our text reveals the play-out or performance of a covenant.

Beloved, a covenant is an agreement that gives access to, but is preceded by admitance after an acceptance, which is a reflection of trust. A covenant year can either be a year of entering into a covenant, experiencing the fulfillment of a covenant, or both. A covenant is only useful when fulfilled or kept and it can only be kept or fulfilled when remembered. It took the arrival of the covenant year and covenant remembrance, for God to send Moses to deliver Israel from bondage and captivity in Egypt [Exodus 2:24]. It also took both, for the Father to send the Messiah, which was the Light of Israel and the glory of the Lord to save the world [Isaiah 60:1]. Similarly, it took covenant remembrance and fulfillment in the covenant year, for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem, for God to preserve and protect Him by sending Him to Egypt and for Joseph to take Him to Nazareth on return from exile. Every covenant has terms and is fulfilled once met. The fulfillment takes place as a result of covenant watchers or keepers, who cry out in intercession and action, for the fulfillment of the terms of the covenant. It’s your year for entering into a covenant with the Lord and of experiencing the fulfillment of existing covenants, because God has remembered His covenant with your ancestors.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Faithful Father, great, mighty and awesome God, in this my covenant year, may I never fail to keep the terms of my covenant with You. As I do, arise today and always, to fulfill Your covenant promises of promotion, protection and preservation in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

He lifted me out of the grave. He lifted me from that muddy place. He picked me up, put me on solid ground, and kept my feet from slipping. Psalms 40:2 ERV

To pick is to remove or take something out of a place, while to place is to put someone or something in a particular place, position, state, condition, or situation, and to keep is to cause someone or something to remain or continue to remain in a given or specified state, condition, position or situation. Our text reveals how to experience these.

Beloved, being picked implies being chosen, distinguished, preffered and promoted far above others. It brings the lifting and taking out of one place to another, more often than not, a far better place. As in our context, it specifically means being taken from or lifted out of a muddy, dangerous, unpleasant, unwanted and unstable place to a stable, solid, safe, secure, peaceful, pleasurable and pleasant place. The Psalmist said, God picks, places and keeps you on a solid ground. This picking up and placing, produces much praises to God and brings untold great blessings. Picking up generally, is always by invitation, either out of oddity, peculiarity or beauty, but in our context, it’s specifically out of peculiarity. The peculiarity that qualifies you to be picked up by God is your trust in Him which is manifested through your calling out to Him. You can only call out to Him, out of dissatisfaction with your condition and position. You can only be dissatisfied according to your degree of knowledge and knowledge can only be acquired through spending quality time with the Lord in the Word. The Lord is waiting to not only pick you up from your present unpleasant place, but to place you on an all round safe, secure and stable place. Why not invite Him to?

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Merciful Father, thank You for the knowledge of Your desire and willingness to always pick me up, place and keep me on a safe, secure and stable place in life. Right now, as I call and cry out to You, may I experience Your picking up, placing and safe keeping, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

We must continue to do things that are good and we should not get tired. If we do not feel weak and stop doing good things, then we will receive a good harvest at the proper time. Galatians 6:9 EASY

To give up is to yield control or possession of or to surrender, to abandon yourself to a particular feeling, influence, or activity. Our text reveals reveals the consequences and why we mustn’t give up.

Beloved, giving up implies to cease doing or attempting something especially as an admission of defeat. Daily you’ll be faced with challenging, conflicting and contradicting circumstances and situations that’ll tend to promote giving up. You must however not buy into it, because, until you give up, you’ll never be defeated and until you’re defeated you’ll never fail or become a failure. It doesn’t matter the number of times you tried without accomplishing or attaining your desired goal, it also doesn’t matter the number of times your doing good was misconstrued and misinterpreted, even when doing good seems pointless, profitless and unproductive, you should never feel weak, get tired, and stop doing good, but should draw from your inner strength, through your trust in the LORD. Even when someone does something bad against you, don’t give up doing good by doing anything bad against him in return, instead, always remember to be kind and sacrificially share with them the things that you have and try to do good things that will help everyone else[1 Thessalonians 5:15; Hebrews 13:16]. When the miracle or salvation you’re awaiting seems to be delayed, don’t give up your trust in the LORD.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, today and always, whatever the circumstance, I choose to keep doing good to everyone around me, irrespective of their actions. I receive an abundant harvest of good from You, as a proof of my trust in You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

It is a great blessing when the Lord accepts people as if they are without sin!” Psalm 32:1-2 Romans 4:8 ERV

Acceptance is the act of accepting something or someone, the quality, state or fact of being accepted, acceptable or approved. Our text reveals how to be accepted by God.

Beloved, to be accepted is to be given admittance or acceptance to, or to endure without protest or reaction. Acceptance brings approval, approval gives admittance, admittance brings assistance and enhancement [blessings]. You’ve been accepted and approved by God to dwell in His presence. Everyday that you’re alive, is a renewal of this acceptance and its privileges. This acceptance which is solely based on faith in God’s beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ, takes away the curse of sin, and bestows all the blessings of God upon your life. Acceptance is conditional, therefore doesn’t abolish disapproval or rejection, once the basis is lost. Only you can turn this offer of acceptance down, by losing your ground of acceptance. Trusting Him, no matter the billows and the waves of the ocean and the trembling of the mountains you may face, guarantees your continued acceptance to and blessings in the Lord in this year.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Faithful Father, I thank You for accepting me in Your beloved Son by faith. As I chose to continue in this same faith today and always, I access and experience every blessing in You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand. And I tell you, ‘Don’t be afraid! I will help you.’ Isaiah 41:13 ERV

An unfailing support is a support that never changes or becomes weaker even in difficult times. It is always providing enough of what is needed. Our text reveals the assurance of an unfailing support and it’s beauty.

Beloved, the unfailing support is accessed through God’s right hand. A right hand signifies acceptance, approval, and strength. We’re always faced with alarming and terrifying situations, as well as unknown circumstances, but we shall never be alarmed or terrified, if we’re aware of our potentials and capabilities in Christ. The union of God’s right hand and yours, releases the strongest strength, support, bond and best possible force for victory. God’s right hand is constantly available, it however takes your consent, which is a variable, for this union and bonding that transforms weakness and transfers God’s strength and victory, to be experienced. As you wind up each day or year, your consent will always be needed and when given, irrespective of what you’re facing, going through, hearing, seeing or not seeing, you’ll always emerge victorious. You’ll only be able to give your consent when you learn of and believe in God’s promise of unceasing presence, unfailing support and unending victory. Amazingly, God is ever ready to defeat your enemies and give you victory, but He’s always waiting for your consent!

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I refuse to be afraid as I’m daily faced with and step into the unknown. I place my hands in Your unfailing hands and draw strength for unending victory in every circumstance from You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord was shining around them. The shepherds were very afraid. Luke 2:9 ERV

Angels are God’s messengers, therefore an angelic visitation is a visit from a messenger of God that reveals His redemptive and transformative plan. Our text reveals an angelic visitation of the shepherds.

Beloved, angelic visitation only occur when there’s a news, an information from divinity for humanity, and establishes divine intervention in the affairs of humanity. Every angelic visitation and encounter, is an invitation and an opportunity to turn tests and trying situations into testimonies of triumph and bring great joy and rejoicing. Every angelic visitation is a divine response to a direct or indirect human intercessory action(s), but the effect or outcome of such visitation, is always dependent or is hinged on the direct response of the visited. Ask Moses, Manoah, Mary the mother of Jesus, Joseph, Elkana, or even the shepherds. The key to the blessing and joy of the shepherds was their receiving and believing of the message of the angels, as well as the visiting of the King of the Jews. God is very desirous to intervene in your affairs by giving you and those around you angelic visitations today, but is only awaiting your intercession and readiness to be obedient. His angels are all around you, bringing you His message, but what you do with this message determines your joy!

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Merciful and loving Father, as I call out to You in intercession on behalf of others and myself, may You be moved to grant us Your angelic visitation that’ll provoke indescribable and unceasing joy in us now and always, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love the Lord for hearing me, for listening to my prayers. Yes, he paid attention to me, so I will always call to him whenever I need help. Psalms 116:1‭-‬2 ERV

Expression is the act, process, or instance of translating and representing your thoughts, or feelings by a medium such as speech, writing, or some other method, into an action. Our text reveals how to experience and express love.

Beloved, Divine expression of love is the act of expressing love to by God. Every true love must be expressed, because it’s only the expression of love, that gives birth to love, grows it and gives it fulfilment. Since everyone needs love and cannot do without it, therefore expression of love is one of the basic neccesities of life. Divine expression of love to you is made by His giving attention to, hearing and answering your prayers, whereas you express your love to and for Him by obeying and praising Him. God can’t hear and help us in our helplessness, unless we cry out to Him and we can’t cry out to Him, without trusting Him. Trusting God is also another dimension of expression of love to Him. His deliverance and salvation from death’s ropes around us and the grave that was closing in on us, even when we were worried and afraid, are all expressions of His love. The degree of this love you believe in, is the degree you’ll receive, and the degree you receive is equal to the degree of deliverance, salvation, promotion and preservation you’ll experience. God has expressed and is still expressing His love for and to you, However you must believe and receive it to experience it.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: O Gracious, Merciful and Kind God, thank You for not only loving me, but also expressing this love in various ways to me. I resolve to continually believe and receive this love, as well as prove my love for and to you, through obedient expressions, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

As Jesus grew taller, he continued to grow in wisdom. God was pleased with him and so were the people who knew him. Luke 2:52 ERV

Growth is the process of progressing, increasing, developing, and expanding from one level or stage to another. Our text reveals the four-dimensional growth of man.

Beloved, growth is one of the characteristics of a living thing, which naturally brings development and expansion. Human growth occurs in 4-basic dimensions: physical, mental, social and spiritual. Every other growth is subsumed into these and are their subsidiaries. Amazingly, every dimension of growth is in one way or another, dependent on the active expression of attraction through passion, that is the putting into use, or excercise. Physically growth has a limitation because it is time bound, but mental, social and spiritual aren’t. Mental and social growths are tangented or hinged on passion for spiritual growth, as examified by Jesus. It was His flare and passion for spiritual growth, that made Him stay back in Jerusalem, without remembering that the Feast was over or knowing that His parents have left. This same passion brought Him both mental and social growths. He very easily mingled among the teachers of the Law, answered all their questions, but they couldn’t answer His at age twelve. Luke said, everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and wise answers [Luke 2:47 ERV]. Spiritual growth is therefore the basic of all growths and is obtainable through personal and communal quality time with the Lord on the Word. How are you growing, and on which of the 4-dimensions of growth is your highest passion? When your foundation and focus is right, everything about your life will be right!

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Loving Father, may I also be saturated with passion for You, Your Kingdom, and spiritual growth. As I’m always found doing Your work, I’ll be in favor with You and men, and lack nothing good in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.