Archive for June, 2019

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7 NLT

Trust is an assured belief, confidence, dependence or reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something. Our text reveals the reward accruable to it.

Beloved, trust is both a display and proof of love and relationship. It’s absence spells the absence of love. Lack of trust which often stems from wrong assumptions is the worst poison to any relationship. Trust builds and cements intimacy which promotes and prospers, as well as protects a relationship from destruction. Storms, troubles and turbulences are inevitable in life and can only be overcome through a refugee, but overcoming them is dependent on how close and strong your refugee is. Trusting the Lord leads to obeying Him, which is a proof of love. It makes you His own and brings Him very close to you, to care and provide for, as well as protect and promote. Since God’s presence spells fulness of joy and righteousness and everything belongs to Him, whoever is brought close to Him through trust, never lacks anything good.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Almighty God and Father, teach me to always trust and obey You, whatever the circumstances, so You’ll always be near me, to protect, promote and prosper me, during the storms and turbulences of life, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

It is worth nothing for you to have the whole world if you yourself are lost. – Mark 8:36 ERV

A priority is something that is cared about and considered more important than others, therefore is given superiority in rank, position or privilege and receives a preferential rating. Our text reveals how to place our priorities.

Beloved, possessions which to an extent makes living pleasant comes through the right placement of priorities as a result of careful thoughts and actions. Priorities determine what you possess, gain or win, as well as, what you lose in life. Possessions which are life enhancers and supports, are very good to have, however it tantamounts to foolishness, to have them at the detriment and expense of life itself. This we very often than not do and Jesus condemns. We can never forsake the Lord, disobey Him, not stop thinking about ourselves and what we want, selfishly seek to save our lives and not give it up for the Lord, without a misplaced priority. Every priority not Christ centered is misplaced, and the consequence and resultant effect is loss of both the life and possessions, because possessions belong to life. What are your lives priorities, are they misplaced?

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Lord God, as I continually choose to be Your follower, I hereby cease from thinking about myself and what I want. Placing my priority right, today and always, I take up my cross, sacrifice everything to follow after You and receive a hundredfold of everything in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

God has shown you his grace in many different ways. So be good servants and use whatever gift he has given you in a way that will best serve each other. – 1 Peter 4:10 ERV

A gift is something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation. Our text reveals every gift is usually for a purpose.

Beloved, gifts vary in shape and size but will always have same goal, meeting a need. Gifts prove the possessors aren’t the owners but mere custodians or stewards. Every steward has a trust and as a trustee, is under obligation to use what’s entrusted effectively in order to fulfil the purpose of the trust. Just as there’s no trustee without a trust, there’s also no servant or steward of God without a grace gift. God knows the needs around you and your capability, therefore He entrusts you with the gift(s) to meet the responsibilities around you. There’s no need around and in your life, that God hasn’t given a gift(s) to meet it. The degree you use the gift(s) in you to meet the needs of others, equals the degree others will use their gifts to meet yours. Diligence in deploying the gift(s) in you towards serving others guarantees others doing same for you.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Faithful Father and Gịver of every good thing, I refuse to allow Your gifts in me to be unutilised, but rather, I deligently deploy them to meet the needs of everyone around me. Therefore everyone around me must deploy every gift in them to meet every need in my life, today and always in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

And God is able to make all grace overflow to you so that because you have enough of everything in every way at all times, you will overflow in every good work. – 2 Corinthians 9:8 NET

All sufficiency is the state of having more than enough of everything needful in every way, at every time. Our text reveals it’s secret.

Beloved, having more than what’s enough, needful or required to meet the demands of any situation or a proposed end is a grace gift of God, obtainable through a key or principle. Giving is a divine key or principle which makes one godlike and loved by God, with resultant irrevocable and irreversible effects. God cannot help but give gifts for its His pleasure, therefore whoever is a giver, pleases Him and He committs Himself in ensuring that the person never lacks anything good but will have more than enough of everything in every way at every time, so he can continue as an extension of God the Greatest Giver. The degree you use what God has given you in giving Him glory through others, is proportional to the degree He’ll give you more of everything you need. Start giving to others to bring God glory with the little talent, time and treasure you currently have and God will activate the grace of all sufficiency in your life.

Grace upon grace
Team Treasure

PRAYER: God of all sufficient grace, may any opportunity of bringing You glory through the giving of my talent, time and treasure never elude me. Today and always, as I refuse to relent to serve You through others with what I’ve, I activate the grace of all sufficiency in my life and my generation in Jesus Christ name Amen.

If you live in me and what I say lives in you, then ask for anything you want, and it will be yours. – John 15:7 GW

A qualification is a special skill, experience or knowledge that makes someone suitable for an activity, position or possession. Our text reveals the qualifications for anything you want.

Beloved, everything in life has a condition or standard that must be complied with or attained before receiving and experiencing the privilege(s) associated with it. The attainment of this condition qualifies an individual. Living and remaining in, staying joined together with the Lord, His Words, teachings and what He says staying or remaining in you, as well as asking, is the qualification for having whatever you want. You must be continually cleansed by the Word, do the things Jesus does, to be able to remain in Him. His Word must remain in you for you to be able to remain in Him and do the things He does. However, His Word can only remain in you through a continual studying, meditation and memorization. Whoever has His Word is informed, whoever is informed has His mind and whoever has His mind, isn’t ignorant, therefore is qualified to have anything and everything he wants. You can have anything you want or desire, when you not only have the Word in you but also speak it out.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Lord God, as I receive the continual cleansing by Your Word, remain in You and Your Word in me, I shall never be ignorant of Your mind, therefore I’ll never lack anything, but like You, have anything that I desire or want in Jesus Christ name. Amen

As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on his faithful followers. – Psalm 103:13 NET

Compassion is a conscious and sympathetic strong desire to alleviate the discomfort and distress of others. Our text reveals how to experience it.

Beloved, every sane father promotes, protects and provides for his children out of tender compassion brought about by the knowledge of the helplessness and need of the child. The tender mercy and kindness of God was behind, precipitated, provoked or stirred every intervention He made in the Scriptures. These interventions which we otherwise call miracles, either brought the preventions, promotions or provisions that settled storms. His tender compassion is usually precipitated or provoked by reverential fear and honor which leads to obedience. Once the knowledge of a need in the life of a child that fears the Lord is made known to Him, His response is usually that of compassionate intervention. He’s waiting today to be compassionate to you and surely will, if only you’ll reverence and call on Him.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Lord of compassion and mercies, as I honour You today with my heartfelt reverential obedience and bring my needs to You, I receive Your intervention that’ll calm and still every storm in and around my life in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Then they will know that your name is Yahweh — that you alone are the Lord. They will know that you are God Most High, ruler over all the earth! – Psalm 83:18 ERV

A discipline is an orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior of a person which usually carries a responsibility. Our text reveals the discipline of godly men.

Beloved, godly men are people whose primary motive for existence is the praise and glory of God. They sacrifice and are being sacrificed in matters that give God glory. Like Jesus Christ, the zeal for the Lord’s house and glory consumes them. Obedience which pleases the Lord like nothing else is impossible, without knowing who He is. Knowing and making Him known is the fundamental responsibility anyone can perform for Him. Godly men are men and women whose encounter with the Lord transformed into thinking, speaking and acting like Him. Whoever encounters God, automatically becomes His ambassador and vanguard, charged with a discipline of passionately making others both know and become obedient to Him. Godly men have the understanding of times and seasons, what ought to and how they ought to be done within the changes and chances of life and does them, even in contradiction to their desires and expectations. They pay whatever price required in making godly men out of whoever they meet. You can’t be one of the godly men of our time without Jesus Christ!

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Father of all life, thank You for the great privilege of becoming Your ambassador and vanguard. Today and always, may I passionately sacrifice, spend, be sacrificed and be spent in making You known and bringing glory to You in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

In that day you will be like a man who runs from a lion— only to meet a bear. Escaping from the bear, he leans his hand against a wall in his house— and he’s bitten by a snake. Amos 5:19 NLT

Operation no escaping is a mandate and verdict guaranteeing the certainty and assurity of judgement. Our text reveals how this will come.

Beloved, deception and partiality usually leads to distortion of the truth, truncation of justice and escaping of penalty. Operation no escaping says there’ll never be any deception, distortion of truth and truncation of justice with divinity. Divine verdict usually isn’t readily passed, because grace never easily gives up, however once the day of grace ends and the voice of grace ceases, verdict is passed and sentence is pronounced. The pronouncement which brings disaster, death and destruction, has all creation as joint enforcers and executioners. Every best effort at escaping one enforcer or executioner, only exposes and leads to another. Continually disregarding the Lord and consistently sinning activates inescapable divine judgment.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Help me dear Lord never to ignore Your warnings and continue in sin, so I’ll be able to escape the disaster, death and destruction that divine judgement brings in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This is what the Lord says: “The people of Israel have sinned again and again, and I will not let them go unpunished! They sell honorable people for silver and poor people for a pair of sandals. Amos 2:6 NLT

Escaping is the act or process of averting or avoiding something, someone, some place or situation. Our text reveals a no escaping period.

Beloved, breaking or getting away from an unpleasant situation or penalty is a very desirable and natural trend also promised and supported by spiritual principles. Operation no escaping is a divine principle precipitated or activated by precursors, that establishes and proves the sovereignty, supremacy and faithfulness of God. Consistency in trampling on the rights of others, pushing the destitute away, disregard to the Word, disrespecting sexual purity, deceptions of all sorts, selling of the innocent, injustice and inhumanity, precipitated operation no escaping in ancient Israel and will still precipitate same in our generation. Destruction is always the outcome of the non-revocation of Divine decree of judgment which operation no escaping activates. Escape now, through Jesus Christ, before it is launched against your generation.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, teach me to honor Your Word and never disregard and trample on it. May I never be callous and careless in my relationship with others and You, nor lead them into any form of deception, so I’ll not precipitate operation no escaping on myself in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Lord sees everything you do [eyes of the Lord are on the path of every person], and he watches where you go [all their ways]. Proverbs 5:21 EXB

To conceal is to place out of sight, to prevent disclosure or recognition of something. Our text reveals there’s no concealment before God.

Beloved, the hiding of your thoughts and actions brings a cover up and often paints a pseudo picture of your personality. This concealment and creation of a pseudo picture is only possible with men but not with God, because the ways of every man are before Him, He ponders over all his paths and watches over all his ways. God’s omniscience makes it absolutely impossible for there to be anything about you, your thoughts and actions, from conception to death, that is hidden before Him. This has to be incontestably true if he is to accurately judge you which He does. It’s therefore left for you to ensure that you always think, speak and do only the things that pleases Him, as well as go only to the places He approves, so you’ll not be trapped in the destructive web of sin.

Grace upon grace!
Team Treasure

PRAYER: All-knowing and All-seeing God, keep me always conscious of my inability to conceal anything from You. May I not only desire to, but also accomplish pleasing You in every way, everyday, and thereby escape being trapped and destroyed by sin, but be blessed beyond measures in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.